Hall says Ending poised for greatness

CHAMPION driver Gary Hall Jr believes the $2.1mil TAB Eureka can do what it was created to do for the second time in its two-year history.

Although Leap To Fame was a beaten favourite in last year’s inaugural TAB Eureka, he has spring-boarded out of the race to become one of the greatest pacers this part of the world has seen.

Leap To Fame’s 21 starts since finishing second to Encipher at Menangle last year, have netted 18 wins, a second, a third and a luckless fourth. He’s won mega races like the Inter Dominion, Miracle Mile, Hunter Cup and Blacks A Fake and banked a staggering $1,794,803.

Many say he’s the best pacer in the world.

Add the fact another of last year’s TAB Eureka “glamour” runners, Catch A Wave, has earned almost $800,000 since with two Group 1’s and second in another, the aim for the race to be a launching pad for Aussie-bred stars is delivering in spades.

Hall Jr drives this year’s TAB Eureka favourite Never Ending, who he insists is on his way to becoming a superstar.

And Hall is well qualified to make such a lofty prediction, having driven almost 4000 winners, including 65 at Group 1 level.

Hall was also the driver of one of the modern-day pacing greats in Im Themightyquinn, who won 58 races – including three Inter Dominion finals – and almost $4.6 million.

“I don’t know that’ll ever drive another one as good as ‘Quinny’, but this guy gave me the best feeling any horse has outside of Quinny when he stormed home for second at Menangle last start,” Hall Jr said.

“It actually reminded me of that Inter Dominion I won on Quinny at Menangle (in 2013) … when I looked up and the leaders were so far in front, but he still mowed them down. For Never Ending to make up the ground he did and run second the other night was amazing.”

But Hall Jr’s excitement around Never Ending goes back way further.

“There’s always been something about him, that speed is something else,” he said. “But he’s been a big baby and slow to mature. He used to do a lot wrong, like hang and get too keen at times.

“I was suspended and missed driving him in his first three runs this campaign, but Justin (Prentice, trainer) did the driving and kept telling he was a different horse and that he’d really grown up.

“I was excited to hear it, but still wanted to feel it for myself, which I did the other night. He felt like the penny had dropped.

“He’s certainly taking the right steps, the ones we wanted him to and he’s headed towards being elite.

“I think he’s got all the attributes to go all the way and the potential to become one of the greats.”

Prentice, a young master of his craft who is showing all his skills with Never Ending, paused and chuckled when he heard Hall Jr’s huge predictions.

“I wish he’d shut-up,” he laughed. “Sure, it’s nice to think someone like Gary thinks so much of the horse, but gee it puts some pressure on me.

“I think the world of the horse, but I just don’t want him or I to disappoint anyone and the higher the expectations, the better he’s got to be.”

In contrast, the unflappable Hall Jr, who is renowned for his laconic attitude and ability to thrive under pressure, isn’t fussed by adding to the hype.

“I guess I’ve been there a few times before,” he chuckled. “People also ask if I’m nervous about driving the favourite in the world’s richest race, but I don’t really think about it to be honest.

“Once I get out onto the track, it’ll just be just enough race where I’ve got to make the right decisions at the right times and I think I’m at my best when the pressure is on.”


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